Genre Techno
Cat. noPLAYRJC079
Artist BARIS K
Release Date22/07/2022
1. Noon 2. La Dame Noir 3. Valhalla Please welcome Baris Karademir, Istanbul's edit master, DJ, and musician with Insanlar on Live At Robert Johnson! If you're a person that likes to get up late, Baris's first track »Noon« is the one for you. It sort of sets the mood for the whole EP with a groove that is deep and hypnotic and above all psychedelic. There's tremolo en masse plus these in and out fading voices that suck you into Mr. K's world - all kept together by this steady forward marching Baris beat. Pleasure, joy, and happiness - all in on groove - and not only effective at noon. »La Dame Noir«'s most prominent feature is a mean bass line - plus more of those otherworldly sounds that Baris manages to pull out of his magician's hat while creating a superb shuffling riddim for all you dancers to shuffle along to, throwing in that oh so subtle triangle now and then. With the last track »Valhalla«, Baris enters the mythological place of Asgard, where Valhalla, Odin's hall of the slain can be found in his Gla¨sheimr castle. That kinda sounds a bit archaic and dark but don't be afraid: where there is shadow there is also light - light which can be heard in the first opening lines, lines that do sound a bit like played by our favorite shoegazer band "My Bloody Valentine". To get to Valhalla, Baris accelerates the tempo by a couple of beats, yet throws in all trademark ingredients to cook up a tune for peak time dancing in Valhalla „ erm „ I mean in the club. So yes, please let us invite you to Baris K's wonderful world of sound - you won't regret it.