We are delighted to announce Laid 006 a three tracks compilation featuring one of our core artists Mr. John Roberts, one of our all time favourite producers Mr. Fred P. as Black Jazz Consortium
Genre House
Cat. noLAID006
Label LAID
Release Date15/02/2010
We are delighted to announce Laid 006 a three tracks compilation featuring one of our core artists Mr. John Roberts, one of our all time favourite producers Mr. Fred P. as Black Jazz Consortium and hysteric newcomer the sea horse smiling Mr. Christopher Rau. Christopher Rau is what you call a real discovery. Cute, talented and fun. His debut track on Laid is a deep exploring house tune one of the kind you can never have to many. Fred P's complicated construction is a logical continuation of his work with the plus of a warm rhodes chord to give you the feeling you need. John Roberts delivers one of his high quality high energy club tunes with a twist. We are more then pleased. Have fun people. Stay tuned as we continue Laid 007 as a link up with our favourite colegues from Work¬shop Lowtec and Kassem Mosse ... this is the shit. A John Roberts - White B1 Christopher Rau - Soulful B2 Black Jazz Consortium - Applied Vibes