re-release of a classic album physically with a bonus track and remastered and new artwork. It comes in the wake of so many albums and artists that have all cited it as a influence on their sound from The Rapture to Aeroplane.
Genre Electronic & Dance
Release Date25/01/2010


1 . Psychonauts - Circles
2 . Ps ychonauts feat. Chancer - Life's Swift Charger
3 . Psychonauts - Empty Lov e
4 . Psychonauts feat. James Yorkstone - Hips for Scotland
5 . Psyc honauts - Hot Blood
6 . Psychonauts feat. Siobhan Fahey - Fear Is Real
7 . Psychonauts feat. Ghost - Magnetic
8 . Psychonauts - Distance Betwe en Dreams
9 . Psychonauts - Dream Chaser
10 . Psychonauts - Worlds K eep Turning
11 . Psychonauts - Wild In Your Eyes
12 . Psychonauts fe at. Sam Lynham - Take Control

'...Wanting to understand how the music we loved was created, the never ending quest!' Psych onauts October 2009

Like all good band stories ours begins with the " quest." The artistic search for understanding is the key to originality. Artists from all walks will readily admit that often their most original work was conce ived during the exploration of work from their inspirer. So when DJ Hell release d his ubiquitously received 'Teufelswerk' album there was a large question as to where such originality came from, in particular the 'Day' portion of the double Album. In a conversation with the Psychonauts DJ Hell happily told how their de but album 'Songs For Creatures,' had been a big inspiration, joining the likes o f James Murphy and Unkle in open praise of the startlingly original album.

The Psychonauts are made up of Pablo Clement and Paul Mogg, whose quest b egan in Yeovil, Sommerset. Their formative years were spent "crate digging" for the original recordings of their favourite samples, be it Hop Hop or Pop, and th en playing these records at their club night. "The big jump forward was when we sent Tim Goldsworthy (DFA) a DJ mix tape we had done. Tim, an old Yeovil friend, was one half of James Lavelle's UNKLE project. At the time they were both recor ding in LA with the Beastie Boys and our mix tape became their inspiration"

During this period Unkle was part of the highly influential Mo Wax Record s artist roster, where James Lavelle was also head of A&R. In no time he had mov ed the two to London, gave them a residency at his 'Dusted' party and put them t o the studio with Kudo from Major Force. "We learnt so much working with Kudo an d Tim Goldsworthy. This was how we came into music production." From these sessi ons came the single 'Hot Blood' which served as a lynch pin for the album and a track James Murphy cited as a sonic reference for the 1st Rapture album.

By now the hype machine had kicked-in with remixes and DJ appearances impre ssing all and sundry and a rapidly building fan-base. Among this fan base was Al an Moulder and Flood, the infamous producers behind London's world class Assault & Battery studio. The two veterans of music production invited the Psychonauts and Kudo to record and mix at their studio. The team set-about working on the al bum; "9 times out of 10 a song would start with a musical sample and a drum loop and we would start building with instruments or more samples. If we could not s atisfy our needs with our primitive playing abilities we would call on friends t o come over and jam on ideas until we got what we wanted. It was a similar proce ss with all of the vocalist on the album, all good friends who we invited into t he studio to jam on ideas."

Amongst the collaborators on 'Songs For Creatures' you will find James Yorkstone,0 Siobhan Fahey from Swing Out Sister, Sam Graham known for her work with post punk, pre The Rapture legends, Gramme an d Zeben Jameson, the lead singer from Mountain of One. Jim Abbiss, the man of se veral notable moments, pops up with mixing credits too, his most recent work inc luding albums for Jack Penate and Adele!

Since making 'Songs For Cre atures' Pablo Clement joined James Lavelle as one half of Unkle. Paul Mogg reloc ated to Berlin where he jumped from project to project finally taking root with his latest outing as 'Boy Of Girl,' which itself is born from a previous project introduced late 2007 on the DFA/Super Soul compilation. In the wake of successf ul albums such as Hells 'Teufelswerk' and James Murphy's '43:55' it felt time to release the record as originally intended. Restoring the lost recording of 'Wil d In Your Eyes' and then repackaging and re-mastering brings the album full circ le.

"We always felt like we missed the boat a little. Mo Wax fans we re expecting a 'trip hop' album and Disco was still a dirty word. Looking back i t feels ahead of what was going on." One listen to the album in its entirety wou ld leave any music lover leave hard pushed to argue with such a sentiment. The e xuberance of two green Yeovillites with too much time on their hands, too many r ecords and a little too much fame is as much fun as it sounds. From the funk dre nched opener 'Circles' the Kosmiche of 'Hips for Scotland' featuring James Yorks ton, the Italo arpeggios of 'Fear is Real,' the Surf of 'Distance Between Dreams ' and finally to the album opus 'Take Control,' which in the tradition of Hip Ho p is all things at once whilst sounding like nothing else out there!


Re-mastered, repackaged and represented version of a class ic Gigolo Album.
Features collaborators from James Yorkstone, Unkle and Mountain of One.
- track 10 is a new track!