The working relationship between producer Psyk (a.k.a. Manuel Anós) and Mote-Evolver continues with the new Silent Witness EP, another episode showcasing Psyk's expert balance of technical variance and affective consistency. Longtime fans of Psyk will find Silent Witness to be a very worthy addition to his catalogue, and also a worhty addition to any DJ sets that desire to mix raw energy with a carefully tailored sense of sophistication.
Genre Techno
Cat. noMOTE051
Artist PSYK
Release Date24/11/2017
vinyl Album or track playing


A1 Psyk - Disorder
A2 Psyk - S ilent Witness
B1 Psyk - Apart
B2 Psyk - Surrender

The working relationship between producer Psyk (a.k.a. Man uel Anós) and Mote-Evolver continues with the new Silent Witness EP, another epi sode showcasing Psyk's expert balance of technical variance and affective consis tency.

The EP title brings to mind the kind of frozen state of awe th at accompanies intense, revelatory experiences of all kinds, and the careful bui ld-up of each individual track here allows plenty of room for such a state to co me about. Put another way, Psyk's simple but dense constructions rise and fall w ith a perfect, patient arcing motion that make the music feel very much like a f irst contact with some uncanny new form of intelligence. "Disorder," for example , leads in with a curiosity-provoking combo of rubbery kick drum and gated synth sounds that seem like sonic accompaniment for observing the conduction of elect ricity across neuronal pathways. Its gradual intensification, via shivering and cleanly spaced cymbal accents and writhing / restless synth drone, acts like a m icroscope onto equally colorful imagined scenarios. The title track follows on t his with a similar tempo and probing mood, but this time with sharper rhythmic e dges, crisp hi-hats and swells that rise like mist over a darkened body of water .

"Apart" inaugurates the B-side with a classic club sound; one relia nt on chaining together micro-snippets of sound into something epic and expansiv e. As with the previous two cuts, a master tone glides over this assemblage of t iny machines and sees that it reaches a satisfying conclusion. "Surrender" then ends this particular voyage with a vertiginous, omnipresent sequence guiding the way through a synthetic wilderness where chromed mandibles clack together and w here hallucinated alert sounds lend an air of lurking danger.

Longtim e fans of Psyk will find Silent Witness to be a very worthy addition to his cata logue, and also a worhty addition to any DJ sets that desire to mix raw energy w ith a carefully tailored sense of sophistication.