Genre Experimental
Cat. noRM180
Release Date21/09/2018
1. Transmutatsia by Zavoloka 0,247222222222222 2. Love Control feat. HPRIZM by MimiCof 0,157638888888889 3. Joy by Benjamin Brunn 0,177083333333333 4. Horses by Retina.It 0,253472222222222 5. Unfold by Mads Emil Nielsen 0,127083333333333 6. Untitled Percussion Loop by Mads Emil Nielsen 0,109722222222222 7. Spark by MimiCof 0,109722222222222 8. BogusStratagem by Pierce Warnecke 0,15 9. Circles by Mads Emil Nielsen 0,154166666666667 19. Inflame by Zavoloka 0,190277777777778 20. Rodeo by Retina.It 0,229166666666667 21. Gauchos by Retina.It 0,213194444444444 22. Alloy by Benjamin Brunn 0,284027777777778 23. ShiftForm by Pierce Warnecke 0,156944444444444 24. HDDXenoglossy (And The Machine Spoke) by Pierce Warnecke 0,2 25. Framework 12 by Mads Emil Nielsen 0,0805555555555556 26. Cycle by MimiCof 0,152083333333333 27. Coy by Benjamin Brunn 0,165972222222222 »sichten« refers both to »opinions« as well as the »examination of material«. in lose sequence, we will invite friends and colleagues, but especially music lovers to share their opinions on music with us or to look through their collected materials in order to present music that tends to be out of the focus of current media channels. as a label for electronic music our focus is on examining exactly this genre. but in the context of the series, we are rather looking for more hidden, unknown, perhaps forgotten music. we want to present the yet undiscovered, and also offer a platform for other cultural environments with different musical approaches. each issue will be supervised and compiled by a curator. an introductory text shall explain the ar- tistic approach of the respective curator. in this sense, the format of a double lp can only provide a first insight and wants to invite to a more in-depth research. for the first issue of the series, »sichten 1«, we asked frank bretschneider to compile his own, very personal selection of current electronic music. his choice fell on six artists, whose different styles me- ander between accessible music on the one hand and very abstract compositions on the other hand.