follow-up to highly acclaimed Ideas From The Pond album!
Genre Techno
Cat. noMMCD039
Release Date02/09/2013


1 . Petar Dundov - Enter The Vortex 2 . Petar Dundov - Yesterday Is Tomorrow
3 . Petar Dundov - Moving
4 . Petar Dundov - Spheres
5 . Petar Dundov - White Spring
6 . Pe tar Dundov - Sailing Off The Grid
7 . Petar Dundov - Sur La Mer Avec Mon A mi
8 . Petar Dundov - Cradle

Petar D undov runs his own 'Neumatik' studio in Zagreb where he works as a sound enginee r as well as producing his own take on techno, ambient and electronica, much to the liking of respected artists such as Carl Craig, Sven Väth or François K.

The Croatian producer might be best known as a producer of wondrous, mel odically complex techno - but as revealed on his first two albums Escapements an d Ideas From The Pond, his ambitions and talents as a musician are considerably more expansive than simply servicing the dancefloor.

Dundov's third L P, Sailing Off The Grid, expands on the lush, intricate synth explorations of hi s previous two releases, but sees him delve further still into those realms, inv oking the spirit of classic ambient and synth-based music of decades gone by. Wh ile the album spans just eight tracks, each track clocks in over seven minutes, and some almost double that length. Each is slow-burning, expansive, gradually u nfolding to reveal more of itself and to develop its motifs and sentiments witho ut the often hurried constraints of the dancefloor (or even more so, the radio). This is an album to be consumed in its entirety; not for those with short atten tion spans or iPod playlists on their mind.

Enter The Vortex hypnotic ally seduces the listener into a hazy sort of submission as the album begins; a beatless exercise in simplicity whose mood swells through a cascade of soaring p ads and softly twinkling synths and whose tension never resolves itself. Yesterd ay Is Tomorrow revolves around an Italo-esque arpeggiated bassline, and is the a lbum's first track to work around a simple 4/4 beat, a flurry of synths shining brightly and melting into oneness thanks to spacious reverbs and delays. Moving begins from a hushed, delicate melody to unfold into an expansive, rolling progr essive number, spilling over with emotive flourishes and freestyles and incessan t brooding bass.

A solemn, slow '80s stadium rock style drum beat on Spheres brings the tempo down, allowing Dundov to explore more complex and intri cate melodic interplay still, the acidic bassline and slowly morphing sorrowful melodies of White Spring making for a stark contrast next. The title track is a throbbing, heady affair, which spares key changes and chord progression in favou r of unrelenting, slow-burning arpeggios and tension over the course of a dreamy thirteen minutes. Sur La Mer Avec Mon Ami drops the tempo once again to a sunse t slumber, soaring pads and an array of soft keys and guitar licks gently caress ing the laconic beat. It's left to Cradle to round off this engrossing collectio n with its sweeping soundscapes and almost Oriental undertones; a fittingly unhu rried finale for an album that likes to take its time about things.

A s well as the glorious aesthetic of this record, it's clear that this third albu m is indebted to the greats of the synthesizer world. The album imparts a - whis per it - almost Balearic sensuality, with a real sense of humanity elicited from Dundov's array of machines by way of ever-changing melodies and patterns, givin g the sense of a spontaneous, freestyle approach to synth playing and constructi ng tracks. If his first two albums unearthed his wider musical talents, Sailing Off The Grid is the one that sees him blossom into an incredibly accomplished an d ever-more-intriguing producer.

The CD and 4LP come in a beautiful c ross-shaped, hand-drawn packaging.

Previous Petar Dundov albums :
MMCD031 – Escapements, 2008
MMCD037 – Ideas From The Pon d, 2012