Genre House
Cat. noHYPELP001
Release Date03/02/2014
TRACKLISTING: 01. Hypercolour Theme 02. Hot Karl 03. Cock Soup 04. Neo Nasty 05. Public Relations 06. Verhexen 07. Evolove 08. Mesmerist 09. Polularity 10. Common Knowledge OVERVIEW: Kris Wadsworth is an increasingly rare breed of artist that flat refuses to play industry games and pander to current trends; focusing on the darker, more uncompromising (and more honest) realms of electronic music. Releases have steadily clocked up for such esteemed imprints as Boe Recordings, NRK Music, alphahouse, Get Physical and Morris/Audio, landing on Hypercolour for 2009™s impressive ˜Deport This™ (and subsequent single ˜Mainline™), and it is for the eclectic and forward thinking UK label Hypercolour that Wadsworth aims his second full length player at. It™s an album drawing upon many personal events and moods, as Wadsworth explains: šThe first part is more fun, maybe comical at times, but the first track is really special. It™s something I made very thoughtfully for Alex, Ste and Jamie (˜Hypercolour Theme Song™). These guys have been through it with me, for better or worse, and still continue to support me more than any other label I have ever worked with. 5 years and counting! It™s basically the only other label aside from my own labels, which I would want to release stuff on anymore. A mutual friend of ours played the ˜Theme Song™ in front of a bunch of naked guys in a very famous Berlin club. They went nuts for it. That™s Hypercolour.› Big nasty 303 lines soon show up (˜Hot Karl™), more blatant acid accompanies Kris while joking around with his girlfriend about chicken soup in Ibiza (˜Cock Soup™), then some very impressive and detailed sounds from his modular system begin to show themselves (˜Neo Nasty™, ˜Public Relations™). šThe second part is stuff that I made sort of in contrast to the other stuff,› says KW. His near cult-status bass lines naturally continue to make more appearances, perhaps in a bit more familiar way. While tracks like ˜Verhexen™, ˜Evolove™, ˜Mesmerist™ and the title track ˜Popularity™ are instantly identifiable Wadsworth, they are simultaneously completely new ground. Perhaps his self-imposed, artistic purification concept via his critically-acclaimed vinyl label named URANUS has played a role here? The closing track of this album (˜Common Knowledge™) is seemingly out of nowhere. Kris is already established as a very versatile producer, so it should be no surprise that there is a non-standard 4/4 track somewhere. šOnly because I love Jungle, it™s a UK label and I think this is the purist form of terror I™ve made to date,› he says cheerfully. This is something for the true fans of the 29 year old, and perhaps something only the most skilled and daring DJs will play out. Never an artist seeking špopularity› in an industry that values it over talent; Kris Wadsworth very well might end up gaining some new followers with his new long player, which is of course, sarcastically of the same name. Cheers to irony.