a. Robert Hood - Form b. Robert Hood - Lockers
Genre Techno
Cat. noDKMNTL031
Release Date19/02/2016
a. Robert Hood - Form b. Robert Hood - Lockers Dekmantel is thrilled to announce an exciting new project by the impeccable Robert Hood. Over the course of three EPs and one album, the Detroit legend presents Paradygm Shift. The first EP is scheduled for the 22th of February. Hood: ˜˜The idea behind Paradygm Shift is similar to a shift in our focus. We can become so complacent; we are so comfortable with our surroundings, I think this is the time for electronic music to find a new mindset.™™ Hood is thrilled about his new adventure on the Dekmantel label: ˜˜I™m glad to partner up with them on this project. I have a very good relationship with Dekmantel. I remember the first time I met them, how laidback these guys were. I performed in this illegal bunker, a dj-set, and the atmosphere was just amazing, awesome and open-minded. It seems like a natural progression to collaborate on this project now. We share a mutual responsibility not to let fall things just in place, but to make things happen. Dekmantel is about making things happen, and so like minds think alike.™™ Inspiration for Paradygm Shift came from a shift in Hood™s own focus. ˜˜I have been busy with my Floorplan alias and reintroducing Monobox over the years, but at the same time I felt it necessary to reiterate Robert Hood as an electronic music artist who is bringing minimalism back in the forefront, and not to get lost in the melody. I want to get back to the simple repetitive programming that I™m known for, and to me it was returning to that, but shifting the listeners™ focus and not staying on this plane like we are used to.› This approach clearly manifests on Paradygm Shift Volume 1, the first EP that kicks of the series with great anticipation. Two tracks that have ˜Rob Hood™ written all over it: minimalistic beasts, bursting from energy and meticulously crafted by the hand of a master producer. ˜Form™ slowly but surely creeps upon you, a slow starter, but in the end the techno funk-finesse will roar like a Detroit car engine. ˜Lockers™ follows a slightly more melodic path, keeping the momentum by delivering body shaking, pulsating techno, deep and timeless just the way we like it.