Genre Ambient
Cat. noBIGAMO12
Release Date09/09/2022
Objekt Resonanz Perzeption Affekt Amygdala Thalamus Transformation (Verwandlung) Inferenz Neogenese Pareidolie (Bonus) Regardless if you immediately associate the term metamorphosis with any kind of evolutionary adjustment, with shapeshifting, the complex transformation of music or if you simply think about the distinctive mark the last two years have left on basically each and everyone of us, it™s easy to agree that šMetamorphoseš is just the perfect title for JakoJako™s debut album for Bigamo. While others fell into a state of shock, JakoJako has made perfect use of the compulsory extra studio time regulated by the pandemic, developing and specifying a sound she instantly attracted attention with, as soon as she entered the scene in 2019 with her release on Leisure System. šMetamorphoseš is one of those albums that can easily quiet a bustling room in an instant, regardless if you™re a connoisseur of this kind of music or not. It™s a compelling and highly absorbing collection of tracks, a surprisingly immersive experience designed for nocturnal listening (and beyond) that is difficult to not lose yourself within.