Genre Soundtrack
Cat. noKINO6
Release Date26/08/2022
A1. Not Even God Will Stop It A2. The Care He Needs A3. Knock Him Into The Sea A4. Need Any A5. Fill Their Nets A6. Scraping Off A7. The Foreign Chill A8. Give Me The Rope A9. Afternoon Nap A10. Like The Other One A11. Happy? B1. Once There Was A Boat B2. End Credits B3. That's The Normal Kind B4. This New Hawker B5. All I've Got B6. The Swordfish B7. A Good Bit of Work B8. Nothing's Biting Today LA composer and musician Jon Natchez (The War On Drugs, Beirut, David Byrne, St. Vincent) scores stunning, award-winning Maltese independent movie Luzzu for Phantom Limb™s Geist im Kino soundtrack imprint. Maltese screenwriter and director Alex Camilleri™s glorious Luzzu sits at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. šAll submerged,› writes Carlos Aguilar for the Los Angeles Times, šin Jon Natchez™s enrapturing score.› Composed for strings, flutes, clarinets, brass, synthesiser and the masterful harp of acclaimed artist Mary Lattimore, Natchez™s work for Luzzu celebrates, reflects, and glues together the gritty, loving agony of Camilleri™s staggering directorial debut. The film tells the story of a young fisherman struggling, under the scorching Maltese sun, with the sea™s diminishing returns, with his newborn son™s illness, with his partner™s judgemental family, and with the slow death of a tradition that his family has practised for generations. As money worries tighten their grip, Jesmark - magnificently portrayed by undiscovered nonprofessional actor Jesmark Scicluna - finds himself caught between morality and tradition, survival and responsibility. Camilleri™s screenwriting is challenging and potent, his portrait of rural Malta alive with vibrancy and colour. Jon Natchez™s soundtrack expertly interweaves these themes. Barely-whispered woodwind chords light up dusty trails of synthesis. Propulsive percussive layers chatter with heady Mediterranean clamour. Mary Lattimore™s harp peeks out from clouds of sunwashed strings. In one profoundly stirring scene, the local priest wordlessly blesses the multitude of tiny, solo fishing vessels (the luzzu of the movie™s title) heading out for the day™s catch, guarding them against the tempers of the sea as he rows from one boat the next. Natchez makes the sequence both intense and tender with gently flowering Baroquish melodies.