Lost in the vaults till now. So sit back and enjoy the dub master at work.
Genre Caribbean | Reggae | Dub
Cat. noJRLP001
Release Date26/01/2024
TRACKLIST Track 1 CHERRY™S DUB We start off with a very early version of Eric Donaldson™s ˜Cherry O Baby™. This version was recorded at Dynamic Sounds, in 1971 and has remained lost on master tape till now. Track 2 FRENEMY DUB This Classic rhythm known as ˜Mad Mad World™ and ˜Crying in the Ghetto™ both voiced by Winston Jarrett got worked on by Tubby as an exclusive mix for his sound system. Released here for the first time featuring the late great Jacob Miller on dubbed vocal. Track 3 FALLING FOR DUB A version here of Cornell Campbell™s ˜My Whole World Is Falling Down™ Tubby in fine form Track 4 DUB ON THE STREET AGAIN Yes my friend on The Street Again finds Cornell Campbell™s vocal dubbed King Tubby Style Nice Rockers drums from Sly Dunbar. Track 5 DECEIVING THE DUB Sly and Robbie dubbing up Delroy Wilson™s ˜So Long Jenny™ with King Tubby at the boards.... Track 6 DUB CONFESSION This is the first version of the Johnny Clarke song ˜Every Knee Shall Bow™ featuring Ronnie Davis on vocals. Track 7 RELEASE THE DUB King Tubby™s and the Aggrovators version of Bob Dylan™s ™™I Shall Be Released™. This track has never sounded sweeter, featuring Cornell Campbells dubbed vocal. Track 8 A YOUTHMAN™S DUB Version of Barry Browns™s ˜ Trying Youthman™ recorded at Harry J™s studio, dubbed at King Tubby™s. Still sounds sweet. Track 9 COLD HEARTED DUB King Tubby™s and The Aggrovators version of the Jackie Mittoo / Winston Wright track known as ˜Jump The Fence™ /™ In Cold Blood™ This unreleased version features Jackie Mittoo on keyboards. Track 10 BLESSED DUB Again Barry Brown featuring on vocals with Sly and Robbies Aggrovators ˜Give Thanks and Praise™ Tubby style... Track 11 LET™S DO THE DUB This rhythm also known as ˜Sweet Sensation™ by The Melodians, dubbed here from Cornell Campbell™s ˜Lets do it Baby™ sees Tubby in find form. Track 12 JUMPER™S DUB This Jumpers rhythm written by Sly Dunbar for Johnny Clarke™s ˜Like Nobodies Business™ features also the great Jackie Mittoo on keyboards. The rhythm also got used on Johnny Clarkes ˜Wante Wante Can™t Get it™. Track 13 DUB FOR FREEDOM Johnny Clarke sings on Ken Booth™s ˜Freedom Street™ in Jumpers / Steppers style Track 14 YOU HAVE CAUGHT THE DUB Version of Melodians ˜You Have Caught Me Baby™. Johnny Clarke™s vocal dub featured here INFO King Tubby in no uncertain terms invented DUB. Born Osbourne Ruddock in Kingston in 1941. He grew up around High Holborn Street in central Kingston, before moving to the Waterhouse district in 1955. His electronic genius grew from working and fixing radios and TV sets, a natural progression led to working with amplifiers,and starting his own sound system™™ Tubby™s Home Town Hi- Fi™™. A very competitive game in the late 60™s. You were as good as the EXCLUSIVE records you played. Tubby discovered during his time cutting discs for Duke Reid™s Treasure Isle set up, that by dropping vocals / instruments in and out of the backing tracks, you could invent new versions of existing old tunes. These early versions tried and tested on his sound system went down so well that he invested in a four track mixing console, that was being sold from Dynamic Studios in Kingston. With his vast knowledge of electric™s, he rewired the existing console with delay echo effects, sliders and phasing units and so began King Tubby™s Studio Of Dub at 18 Drummlie Avenue, Kingston 11, Jamaica... His Home..... This is where all the producers would bring their tracks for Tubby to put his magic over. Most tracks that came out in Jamaica from here on in would carry a ˜Version™ on its B-side more than likely a Tubby dub. One of the producers who used him the most was Bunny Striker Lee, who™s labels Jackpot, Justice and Attack all carried Tubby™s mixes / versions on their flip sides. Our collection here, are all taken from the original master tapes you might have have heard the tracks before but not these versions.... Lost in the vaults till now. So sit back and enjoy the dub master at work.