Genre Techno
Cat. noLG01
Release Date17/02/2023
Author of the soundtrack of the documentary "Les Délivrés" by Thomas Grandremy, the reference of electronic music Maxime Dangles extends his composition work with this album. The alienation, stress, struggle and hope of the documentary's protagonists were his sources of inspiration. The soundtracks of the journey of these bicycle delivery men have been transformed into tracks to carry the struggle of Damien, Clément and Yoro further and continue to denounce the excesses of capitalism. A work that poetically extends the poignant and necessary work of the director, with an impeccable and immersive sound design, enamelled with dialogues from the documentary. The result is nine tracks between ambient, IDM and electronica, exploring the story from all angles and feelings; from union demands and the struggle with Affrontation, an incisive track inviting reflection to raw and metallic sounds or "Revolt", on the borders of destructured club music and IDM; from hope to dreams with the contemplative and deep "Velibre", "Matin Bleu" and Liberate or the melodious "Vitesse"; anguish and disillusionment with Operate, the melancholic "Matin Rose" or the experimental and immersive Mauvais Rêve, punctuated with the voices of the documentary. A militant sound narrative of great finesse, affirming the richness of Maxime Dangles' production work and his ability to draw singular landscapes from which strong emotions emerge, following in the footsteps of Hans Zimmer, Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross' original soundtracks, while exploring the most experimental side of club music. - Maxime Dangles entered the electronic music scene 15 years ago, with a first release on Kompakt. Throughout his career, he has made his mark on the Bedrock, Skryptöm and Herzblut labels. The 2010s mark a turning point in his career. Specialising in hardware and modular, he invests in new projects where he expresses himself fully on the machines and lays the foundations of his sound signature and his taste for experimentation with his project DNGLS, the release of his first album "Resilience" in 2015 (whose single is among the 100 tracks that made France according to Tsugi) and his work within Möd3rn / Möd4rn, which he forms with Electric Rescue, Moteka and Kmyle. CINEMA-CONCERT This soundtrack is also the subject of a film-concert. In this format, some dialogues have been removed from the documentary and replaced by contemplative shots, and others have been lengthened to leave more room for the music composed by Maxime Dangles and orchestrated live with his machines and his modular. Each cine-concert can be done in the presence of the director Thomas Grandrémy for an exchange around the drifts of these working conditions. A1. Liberate A2. Operate A3. Matin Rose A4. Affrontement A5. Révolte B1. Vitesse B2. Mauvais Rêve B3. Matin Bleu B4. Vélibre