two producers at the top of their games. Silent Servant's expert handling of noise and distortion and Lucy's ability to create narratives where you least expect them form a startling hybrid.
Genre Techno
Cat. noMOTE034
Release Date04/03/2013


A Lucy & Silent Servant - Dormancy Su rvivors
B Lucy & Silent Servant - Victors History

The History Survivors EP is a fierce collaboration between two of electronic music's most intriguing producers, Lucy & Silent Servant.

Entering the production process together Luca Mortellaro and Juan Mendez delved into a period of studio based research. On the trail of a hybrid sound they ren dered their questions with both digital and analogue machines, synthesising thei r suspicions into existence and layering sounds until they took on unmistakeable form. Two tracks emerged and Mote-Evolver has pressed these dark tales onto eac h side of the Mote034 vinyl.

A-side Dormancy Survivors begins with a metallic rasp and opens out into a euphoric state. It's as if a story that was l ong repressed is finally being retold. And this story is told in syncopated sent ences that are punctuated with slanted snares. Odd bleeps rotate around the weig ht of the bass-line and strange atmospherics catch you brilliantly unawares. Thi s is an industrial-strength peak-time track.

Victors History is expan sive and hypnotic. Pulling you into its loops the track is littered with glimmer ing asides. Low frequencies tug at the undercarriage and heighten the damage tha t the bass is committing. If the A-side tells the tale that history neglects, th e B-side asks you to question the narratives weaved by the winners.

M ote034 combines the expertise of two producers at the top of their games. Silent Servant's expert handling of noise and distortion and Lucy's ability to create narratives where you least expect them form a startling hybrid. History Survivor s is an EP that will move your feet, your thoughts and most importantly your exp ectations.

early support by:

Marc el Fengler: Dormancy Survivors is my fav. THX
†me: great ep!
James Rus kin: Really liking this!!! Both trax will be in my sets for a long time
Rol ando: Dormancy Survivors for me!!!!
Cosmin TRG: Both tracks are beautiful, just beautiful.
Ben Sims: Dormancy..is the cut for me, top dark roller and long enough for a toilet break too ;-)
Tiga: love it. Victors History is li ke Ministr
Jonas Kopp: top release.
Edit-Select: Great to see Luca aim ing for the dancefloor !
both tracks are excel ...Victors History is the pi ck IMo
Terence Fixmer: Dormancy Survivors is the one !!!
Developer: gr eat !
Sasha: victors history is cool
Pär Grindvik: feeling 'dormancy s urvivors' thanks
Answer Code Request: excellent!
Gary Beck: victors hi story has some great stuff going on. excellent
Danny Tenaglia : all good..t hanks!!!
Gregor Tresher: Stunning EP! Love It! Straight into my February Ch arts.
Speedy J: Thanks, will test
Cassegrain: Dormancy Survivors here for us, nice work.
Troy Pierce: both tracks are cool but i really like the victors history tracks, awesome.
Mauro Picotto: thanks 4 the techno mote < br> Peter Kruder: Like Dormancy Survivors.
Bruno Girard (trax, FR): nice re lease
Alland Byallo: Brilliant collab!
Deepchild: 90s video-game musi c meets forgotten techno evil. Like!
Jamie Behan: Immense release! Both tra cks are epic. Will chart this
Jacek Sienkiewicz: great !!!
Echologist: good stuff