Genre Funk Hip Hop & R&B
Cat. noSDBANCD03
Release Date13/11/2015


1 . Koen De Bruyne - And Here Comes Th e Crazy Man
2 . Koen De Bruyne - The Silver Eye Was Brown
3 . Koen D e Bruyne - Pathetic Dreams
4 . Koen De Bruyne - Unanswered Questions

1 . Koen De Bruyne - Games 1
2 . Koen De Bruyne - Games 2
3 . Koen De Bruyne - Games 3
4 . Koen De Bruyne - Improvisation 1
5 . K oen De Bruyne - Improvisation 2
6 . Koen De Bruyne - Improvisation 3
7 . Koen De Bruyne - Improvisation 4

Belg ian composer, arranger, pianist and keyboardist Koen De Bruyne (1946 - 1977), br other of celebrated singer and songwriter Kris De Bruyne, had his own, unfortuna tely short, stint in the field of pop, jazz, fusion and funk in the 1970ies. He rose to the scene as a wanted session and live musician for local heroes such as Johan Verminnen, Will Tura, Ferre Grignard, Mad Unity, Black Blood and his brot her Kris.
In 1974, after some years in the trade, Koen De Bruyne debuted as a solo artist. The inspired fusion epic 'Here Comes The Crazy Man!' undeniably proves he was much more than a gifted 'hired gun'. He gathered a fabulous line-u p for the recording sessions, featuring three members of the legendary Placebo ( Marc Moulin's jazz/funk outfit). Recorded in the renowned Brussels Madeleine stu dios with some of the most prolific and inventive of his contemporaries, HCTCM! is a truly exceptional and imaginative record and has gained the status of sough t after cult classic decades after its release.
The exact 1974 line-up cons isted out of the three Placebo members mentioned before, Richard Rousselet on tr umpet, Yvan De Souter on bass and Jean Pierre Onraedt on drums. De Bruyne also i nvited trumpeter Gerard Sabbe, vocalist Patricia Maessen, flutist Adelson Defris e and Firmin Timmermans on bongos.
Built around De Bruyne's omnipresent pia no and synth themes, the four lengthy tracks on HCTCM! float anywhere between he avy funk and psychedelic jazz rock, with some strong fusion interactions. Flavou red by its distinctive double trumpet lines, De Souter's exceptional bass playin g and Patricia Maessens ethereal vocals, it only takes one close listen to sense this album is something exceptional. We're witnessing an entire band of musicia ns performing at the top of their game. Psychedelic, vigorous and at times quite experimental, Koen De Bruyne's only real album to have seen the daylight is a r are Belgian gem, one that stands the test of time and is waiting to be rediscove red by new generations of listeners.
Apart from the four tracks on the orig inal HCTCM! album, making their debut on cd, this reissue features a lot of unre leased music. 'Games' is a mysterious unreleased triptych that was recorded afte r the album, the masters we stumbled upon had to be retrieved from a reel to ree l tape falling apart. Also included here are 4 majestic solo piano improvisation s that were retrieved from another lost studio tape.