Genre Techno
Cat. no50WEAPONSCD12
Release Date22/02/2013
With Benjamin Damage presenting already his second album, it is easy to forget that he has only been releasing records since 2010. His first single with Venom was already a big underground club anthem in the UK. This track named šDeeper› caught the attention of Modeselektor and became an instant classic in their Dj sets. Not much later Benjamin had his first track released on a 50WEAPONS split 10inch. With šCreeper›, a collaboration with his old Swansea buddie Doc Daneeka, Benjamin delivered another dancefloor destroyer released on 50WEAPONS in early 2011. Only 2 years after his first track got released, Benjamin presented his first album šThey!Live›, once again produced with Doc Daneeka. The pair used some Modeselektor recording off time and produced the album in a period of 6-8 weeks at ModeselektorÙs studio in Berlin. The trip to Berlin had a definitive influence on the sound of the album that successfully merged UK and Berlin styles. Everyone at 50WEAPONS knew immediately that the album was something very special. Sonic gold dust if you like. The record was album of the month in De:Bug magazine (Germany,) DJ Mag (UK), The Independent (UK), K Mag (UK) and got brilliant reviews in many other magazines and online media around the globe. Soon after their temporary stay both artists decided to move to Berlin. After 2 years of mainly collaborative work, the time was come for Benjamin to focus on some solo activities. He did a few remixes for Sizzar, Data Romance and others, followed by a strong techno single named šSwarm / Headache› released in October 2012, once again on 50WEAPONS. šHeliosphere› is a sonic sci-fi techno album reminiscent not just of early Plaid, Black Dog Productions, Boards of Canada or Luke SlaterÙs 7th Plain project, but also classic dancefloor classics by the likes of Surgeon, Regis, Dave Clarke or Jeff Mills that knew how to keep a crowd entertained. It is bringing to mind the flavor of 1994 without losing the sense that we™re into 2013 as of now. šHeliosphere› is equally straight and beautiful, ear-catching murkier numbers, some merciless bangers, beautiful soundscapes ranging from melodic to dark, rough and sweet, all at once. šHeliosphere› is dance music with conviction.