Derrick May : "These guys are from Tel Aviv but they have such an appreciation of the music of Detroit - they're working hard to do some serious stuff"
Genre Techno
Cat. noGIGOLO302
Release Date16/09/2013
vinyl Album or track playing


A1 Deepa & Biri - Black With Purple < br> A2 Deepa & Biri - Pressure Loss
B1 Deepa & Biri - Tears
B2 D eepa & Biri - Thetawaves

DJ Hell :
"A ll the tracks are perfectly produced & sound like classic records: the love of D etroit & Basic Channel is everywhere, but with their special Israeli touch "

Derrick May :
"These guys are from Tel Aviv but they have such an a ppreciation of the music of Detroit - they're working hard to do some serious st uff"

International DeeJay Gigolo Records presents Emotions Visions Ch anges, the debut LP from Tel Aviv duo Deep'a & Biri. Set for vinyl & digital re lease on September 16 2013, the album marks the arrival of a pair of exciting ne w Israeli talents.

With a handful of EPs to their name since their de but in 2009, Deep'a & Biri quickly found champions in Derrick May and DJ Hell, w ith Hell quickly snapping them up to Gigolo for a single in early 2013, while Ma y wasted no time in selecting two of their tracks for his own upcoming compilati ons, one of which is forthcoming on his legendary Transmat label. Now their deb ut album arrives via Hell's longstanding imprint, showcasing the duo's affinity for a deep, dubby & authentic sound that at various points touches upon the infl uences of Detroit and Chicago's finest, the Tresor-inclined techno of Berlin and the experiences shared in Tel Aviv's turbulent scene as resident DJs at one of the city's best underground clubs, Barzilay.

It would however be dis ingenuous to categorise Emotions Visions Changes as purely a repurposing of the duo's myriad influences: there's a palpable commitment and - as the title hints - emotional investment in the sound of the record, one that comes from a lifetim e of devotion to electronic music of all forms. The opener 'Fade Into Nothing' sets the tone with a scattering of ambient elements illuminating the beatless wa shes of sound. As the record moves on, through the suitably titled 'Fog' and 'T hetawaves, we're moved forward by a pulsing kickdrum through their dense, oscill ating atmospheres, which blossom into a gorgeous piano melody by the mid-section of the latter track.

By the time we reach 'It's Makes Sense', the f oundations have been laid for the LP's most propulsive track - the atmospherics remain, this time driven by a tough kickdrum and rapid handclaps. That power is retained by what immediately follows: 'Black With Purple' and 'Fractal' maintain the energy while skewing it into more complicated shapes rhythmically, then 'Pr essure Loss' takes the record to arguably its most pure dancefloor moment, with an intensity that grows exponentially until its inevitable decompression. The r ecord's final chapter follows a path back to ground level through 'Last Chance C hasers' and 'Walk With Me', the latter finding an instantly accessible groove th at remains light on its feet before album closer 'Tears' brings Deep'a & Biri's impressive debut to a fittingly reflective conclusion.

early support from:

martyn: "big up my TA peeps!xm"
D VS1: "Some nice deep cuts in here. Need to download and listen."
Locked Gro ove: "Great album, floating somewhere between maurizio and theo parrish in some places. Tears is the one for me here,
great stuff, testing this out :) than ks for the music
laurent garnier: "Brilliant --- love this "
ben sims: "very strong package, quality deepness all over, big thx!"
Ambivalent: "Wo w this is really beautiful stuff. Deep and textured, nicely mixed, and really di verse. I want to spend some time listening, but I'm definitely impressed. "
Ed Davenport: "very nice! smooth and controlled deeper tracks.. these guys know what there doing it seems! great debut and
some definite nice tools for my sets. thanks!"
Chymera: "Quite beautiful music indeed. Good quality deep t echno that is not too dark. I like it"
Shadow Dancer: "Wonderfully subdued, dubby techno with hints of Los Hermanos, Guidance Records & Basic Channel.
Meticulous, considered and - above all - emotionally charged electronic music.
Benoit C (Paris / Tsugi + www.tsugi.fr): coool"
Joe Madden (London / NME / DJ / FHM): "Lush."
Richard Akingbehin (Hyponik / Hyponik): "only sk immed through the tracks so far but sound really nice."
crispin dior: "Beau tifully crafted. "
Enrique (www.circulobellasartes.com/ / www.viciousmagazi ne.com): "Excellent ! Thanks "
Rene Passet (DJ Broadcast magazine / Oor Mag . / Kindamuzik): "The whole album has indeed a strong Detroit vibe but it's quit e diverse too. From Aril Brikha inspired deep vibes on It's Make Sense to the du bby Deepchord/Conforce underwater basslines on Fog and Last Change Chasers. Very nice. "
Resident Advisor: "Thanks! Will check. "
Marcus Barnes (Indep endent, Daily Mail Online, Resident Advisor, i-D Online): "SUPERB. Love this!!!"
Jordan Rothlein (New York / RA / LWE / WNYU): "Writing news on this."
PAWEL GZYL (CRACOW/POLAND / NOWA MUZYKA - www.nowamuzyka.pl): "Nice work - revi ew to follow! "
Andrew Wowk (Sydney, Australia / Pulse Radio): "Nice deep, Detroit-inspired goodness!"
Piotr Nowicki (PN Media / Laif, music magazine) : "superb!"
debug / http://www.de-bug.de: "considering for review"
Dav ide Cucchi (Italy / DJ Mag Italy, Rollingstonemagazine.it, Discosafari, Moviment o Clubbista): "Super nice techno album!"
Noah Levine (Chicago / Urb): "Abso lutely brilliant detroit-style techno. No wonder Hell and the Godfather are all over this."