(FLUG rmx) Marco Bailey seems to be unstoppable and strikes back on his special MBR imprint with another slamming 2-tracker.
Genre Techno
Cat. noMBRLTD003
Release Date03/11/2014


A1 Marco Bailey - Drizzle
A2 M arco Bailey - Injection
B Marco Bailey - Injection (Flug Rework)

Marco Bailey seems to be unstoppable and strikes b ack on his special MBR imprint with another slamming 2-tracker. ''Drizzle'' and ''Injection'' are his new toys that guarantee some flaming action on the dancefl oors. Special guest as remixer on duty for this release, is Argentina's finest F lug, offering a brilliant remake on ''Drizzle''. A package that is going definit ely going to satisfy even the most demanding clubber.

Adam Beyer - "It's all about the original of Injection on the new MBR for me. Great again from Marco!"
Pig (Pig&Dan) - "I adore where Marco is go ing right now!! So pure, so good, so techno!! Loving both tracks and the remix!! BOMB release!!"
Par Grindvik - "The Original of Drizzle is definitely the standout track here. Will be testing it."
SLAM (Orde) - "This is great stuf f from Marco... It's the Flug remix that winning for me here though."
Angel Molina - "The Flug rework is my track here. Very efficient stuff, as always com ing from Mr. Junior!"
Dubspeeka - "Strong beats from Marco and Flug. I'm go nna be giving these a try on the weekend for sure."
Sharam - "Flug remix, y es! Driving, hypnotic and DOPE!! ? Support!"
Jon Rundell - "HEAVY, HEAVY re lease from Marco!!! Drizzle will get my support!"
Chris Liebing - Downloade d
Ceoltronic Radio - (RTE Pulse, Ireland) - "Strong EP from Marco. I love t he Flug rework!! Full support!"
Fuzz Magazine, Belgium - "Fabulous techno b angers from Marco and Flug!!"
Edwin - (DJ Magazine, Holland) - "Drizzle is the best for me on this MBR release."
Steve Parker - "Now this is great te chno from Marco.. Especially into Drizzle!!"
Mr. Jones - "Shiiii... Marco i s dropping some hot stuff lately ? I like the Flug rework on this EP to play. Th anks guys!"
Psycatron - "Really feeling this kind of vibe that Marco has be en pushing lately. 3 killer new tracks here."
Norman Nodge - "Four to the f loor stuff from Marco, but it's the Flug mix that wins for me here."
Joel M ull - " Really like The Drizzle track. The Flug Rework of Injection is very powe rful and hypnotic. Thank you for the Music."
Technasia - "This rework of Ma rco's Injection by Flug is souding so DOPE!! Will play this ou!"
Pig (Pig&D an) - "These are all solid tracks on this new MBR Ltd release from Marco. Really feeling the Flug remix!"
Carlo Lio - "BIG release from Marco! Both of the originals are gonna work for me. Excellent work sir!"
Andre Kronert - "Love the whole release! All tunes got a nice trippy and drak feeling and perfect for the dusty hours...Flug did also amazing work here as always."
Ingo Boss - (Cocoon) - Downloading for Sven Vath
Kaiserdisco - "This Flug remix of Marc Bailey is sounding really good for us. Will try it out!"
Jewel Kid - "Both originals and the rework are sounding DOPE!! I will definitely be rocking these !"
Karotte - "Drizzle is sounding great to me. I like that one! But the Flu g remix is cool also. Will test these."
Rolf Mulder - (The Public Stand, Ho lland) - "This Flug remix of Injection is a good driver for me!"
Jonty Skru fff - (Germany Calling, BLN.fm. Germany) - "Wet, Wet, Wet... Loving Drizzle!!" < br> Diversions - (CHRY Toronto, Canada) - "Dark, muscular and hypnotic... I like it!"
Scan Mode - (DJ Magazine, Spain) - "Nice darker tracks from Marco. Fl ug remix works well too. "