Genre Caribbean | Reggae | Dub
Cat. noKSLP074
Release Date25/05/2018
Johnny Clarke stands tall as one of the great vocalists that ruled the Jamaican reggae scene from the mid 1970™s to the early 1980™s Dancehall period. This re-issue of his šDon™t Stay Out Late› set shows his versatility to sing any song that was put in front of him and make it his own. Under producer Bunny šStriker› Lee™s guidance, Mr Clarke produced a run of singles and albums few could match. Johnny Clarke (b 1955, Jamaica, West Indies) cut his first record ˜God Made the See and Sun™, after winning a local singing contest in the Bull Bay area of Jamaica. Although the single was not a hit, it led to two follow up tracks for producer Rupie Edwards, ˜ Everyday Wandering™ and ˜Julie™ that fared much better, both on the island and overseas in England and Canada. These tracks also brought the singer to the attention of producer Bunny Lee and a working relationship that would go on to produce a prolific catalogue of music. Johnny Clarke™s Dread Conscious/ Love Song style were to grace many hits around this time in 1974. Such tunes as ˜None Shall Escape The Judgement™ , ˜Move Out Of Babylon™ , ˜Rock With Me Baby™ , ˜Enter The Gates With Praise™ to name but a few. All new songs added to a host of cover tunes, recommended by Bunny Lee, many taken from singer John Holt™s catalogue, that suited Clarke™s vocal style. The rhythms were cut at various studios around the Island. Randy™s Studio 17, Channel I, Treasure Isle, Dynamic Sounds and Harry J™s by a group of musicians loosely called The Aggravators and voiced King Tubby™s studio. All great tracks backed by great rhythms, cut by Mr Johnny Clarke with a voice that few could equal. TRACKLIST A1. DON™T STAY OUT LATE A2. MEMORIES BY THE SCORE A3. JUDGEMENT DAY A4. LET HIM TRY A5. WHY CAN™T I TOUCH YOU B1. KEEP ON MOVING B2. HAPPY GO LUCKY GIRL B3. BLOOD DUNZA B4. THEY CAN™T CONQUER I AND I B5. YOUCANT BE HAPPY