The first release by Parisian iconoclast Joakim for his friends and European colleagues at DJ Tennisâ„¢ Life And Death records is a miniature nocturne for dance floor meditation a cascade of unfurling fizzy moods and introspection, finally tuned and expertly rendered by the electronic music maestro.
Genre Techno
Cat. noLAD028
Release Date07/10/2016
Barcode: 880319794810 The first release by Parisian iconoclast Joakim for his friends and European colleagues at DJ Tennis™ Life And Death records is a miniature nocturne for dance floor meditation, a cascade of unfurling fizzy moods and introspection, finally tuned and expertly rendered by the electronic music maestro. I met Manfredi (Tennis) through Luke Jenner (ex The Rapture) in NYC. When |No Manfredi has a few days off his busy touring schedule, he comes to my studio to work with Luke on their collaboration project. We usually talk about synths, food, DJ gossip and complain about espressos in NYC. About 6 months ago we were eating Korean fried chicken and Manfredi asked me if I™d like to do something for his label Life & Death. At the time I had a bunch of club tunes I started working on and somehow had a feeling some of them could be a fit for Life & Death so I played those and Manfredi very quickly picked one, ˜Daemon™. I thought putting out something on Life & Death was at the same time kind of odd (and if you didn™t notice yet, I like when things are unexpected) and totally appropriate.› 01 Daemon 02 Would You Give Up?