Genre Pop
Cat. noGRCD904
Release Date21/04/2017
˜Bounce Back™, Chantal Acda™s new album is an ode to connection, contact and consciousness: things we need in these turbulent times. On this new album Chantal worked with legendary bass player Bill Frisell and with Phill Brown (Talk Talk, Mark Hollis) as producer. This was a very mindful decision: apart from his timeless brilliance, Phill still hails from the era of tape machines and thus ˜first takes™. Nowadays most recordings are perfected per every 10 seconds. Auto-tune, plugins and copy-paste have become the norm. But unless it™s being done out of a conscious functional choice, it doesn™t feel much different than all the fake news that we get bombarded with and it also gets in the way of the connectedness and direct communication that we all seem to crave. On this album, Chantal wanted to hear her voice the way that it sounds in her head. Whenever effects were used it™s because they felt that they had a place there, a story to contribute to, not as an unconscious automatic next step. As she explains : šI wanted to hear on this record that I™m not all soft but that I have a raw side to me as well. It™s a side that I call on and question and that I need to learn to accept. I™ve noticed that by being more accepting of myself, I become less judgmental when it comes to other people. We™re only people. And I would very much like for us to see each other like that again. Just see each other, period.› Chantal Acda released her first solo album ˜Let Your Hands Be My Guide™ in 2013. The evenly beautiful follow-up ˜The Sparkle In Our Flaws™ in 2015 was her big break through in Belgium, with raving reviews both for the album as the following tour. As icing on the cake, Chantal Acda received two nominations for a Music Industry Award that year: one for the beautiful artwork of ˜The Sparkle In Our Flaws™ and one for Best Solo Female Artist. Past collaborators and musical soul mates include: Nils Frahm, Peter Broderick, Heather Woods Broderick, Valgeir Sigurdsson, Gyda Valtysdottir and Adam Wiltzie amongst others.