The Genesis for 'Best I Can Do' can almost be plotted to the first time Skwerl heard "Paul Randolph, on Carl Craig's cover of The Stylistic's 'People Make The World Go Round'
Genre House
Cat. noGIGOLO272
Release Date17/05/2010
vinyl Album or track playing


A Skwerl feat. Paul Reynolds - Best I Can Do
B Skwerl - Messier 31

'It's my soul shifted and my eyes lifted, that keeps me holding on.'

'Best I Can Do' is the title to Skwerl's newest EP, and lead track, featuring Paul Ra ndolph on vocals. The title might seem a little at odds with an artist who's cat alogue consists of a handful of releases, but under the surface there is the you thful idealism of an inexperienced producer pushing themselves with every new tr ack they create. It should come as no shock that Skwerl's inspiration for this t rack came from "my enduring passion for Chicago/Detroit old school House", a per iod in music, not unlike punk before it, that was dominated by young, poor but d eeply inspired young artists. It is with this fram of mind that we introduce you to the latest Gigolo offering!

The Genesis for 'Best I Can Do' can a lmost be plotted to the first time Skwerl heard "Paul Randolph, on Carl Craig's cover of The Stylistic's 'People Make The World Go Round,' I was really moved by the magical performance and honesty in Paul's voice." It was therefore only a m atter if time before an inspired young Skwerl would colloborate with Paul Randol ph, "thus during my stay in NY in 2008 I sent Paul a basic track sketch that wou ld eventually shape into "Best I Can Do". The result is obviously a very early C hicago/Detroit Old School house sound, something Skwerl accounts to "having a re al native legend on board sure helps a lot lending the track a very authentic Ja mie Principle'esque touch. Mr. Randolph is delivering from within the deepest, r ealest and most honest corners of a Man's soul."

On the flip we find Skwerl doing what every artists does after they have done the best they can do, which is to reach for the stars. "I am a stargazer by nature. On the most fundam ental level I think every human being is fascinated with the celestial display. Messier 31 is a mind-trip I take every time I imagine what it would be like to p ilot a spaceship at unthinkable speed through and beyond the known galaxy.